
Project Veggie Garden, Day 11

The basil has emerged! Happy little basil seedlings began poking their heads out of the dirt yesterday, and even more came along today. Unfortunately, we've had some lettuce seedling casualties. I think we waited too long to cut back the excess seedlings that sprouted in the same spot and they strangled each other. Others didn't seem to get enough sunlight and wilted away. Still, we have 10 healthy lettuce seedlings still looking green and perky. They're quite tall now, so we transplanted the keepers into some peat pots today. They seem to be enjoying their new digs.

Still no signs of life from the pepper and eggplant seeds, but that seems to be normal at this stage. We decided on a location in our backyard for the garden and everything is falling into place! I just hope this cold weather doesn't set us back too much.

Also, remember to check back soon for some yummy recipes and beginner sewing projects!

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